Positive Ageing - Sun Smart

Thursday 6 December 2012, 2:13PM

By Marlborough District Council



Protecting your skin is essential as you get older because aging skin is drier, more sensitive and susceptible to sunburn. Skin cancer is a particular risk for people who have spent many hours in the sun in the course of a lifetime.

People most at risk are those who have had previous skin cancers including melanoma, anyone with a family history of melanoma (parent, brother, sister or child), people with large, irregular shaped and unevenly coloured moles or those with a large number of moles.

Others risk factors include fair skin and red or fair hair, ever having had a severe case of sunburn even in childhood, and previous use of sunbeds. A past organ transplant is also a risk factor.

Pay attention to red patches, flakiness, scabs and darkening moles. Look for changes in your skin; a spot or sore that does not heal, or is itchy or is bleeding or oozing, or a mole or freckle that changes in colour, size or shape. Ask your GP to check those areas you cannot see yourself.

Some medications may also increase your risk of sunburn, so check this with your GP.

Fresh air and sunshine is important to good health - but be sensible:

Wear long-sleeves and a sunhat; always cover bald spots and thinning hair

Apply a good sunscreen

Get into the habit of wearing sunglasses outside

Don’t stay too long in the direct sun; sit in the shade rather than in direct sunshine.

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