Auditor General endorses Hamilton City Council's financial strategy

Monday 10 December 2012, 4:22PM

By Hamilton City Council



Mayor Julie Hardaker says Hamilton City Council’s financial strategy has been endorsed by
Audit NZ’s acknowledgement in its annual report to Parliament.

Audit NZ is quoted in the report as saying: “In our view, Hamilton City Council’s LTP presents
a good financial strategy. It provides a clear description of the current situation and sets
clear goals that will enable the Council to be in the position it wants to be in by 2022.”

The report also says Hamilton City Council’s Long Term Plan is “one of the most concise LTPs
produced” and that “Hamilton City Council showed that even when the financial situation is
complex, a financial strategy can be presented in an effective way.”

Mayor Hardaker says “The Council worked extremely hard to address past financial issues
within the Council’s organisation and made a number of changes to support the new
financial strategy. I am very pleased the Auditor General’s comments endorse this direction
of travel and the clearer more transparent operating style of the past two years.”

Hamilton City Council is on well track with its financial strategy a – a fact supported by its
latest strong credit rating from Fitch rating agency – AA‐, which also commented positively
on the approach the Council has taken.

Mayor Hardaker says the latest Auditor General’s report is another recognition of Hamilton
City Council’s prudent and sustainable financial path.