Opposition cries crocodile tears for investment

Saturday 9 February 2013, 2:32PM

By Steven Joyce


Once again the hypocrisy of the Labour-Greens opposition is exposed by their criticism today of the need to welcome new business investment in New Zealand, Economic Development Minister Steven Joyce says.

“Both parties have made it clear that they oppose ‘hands-on’ decisions made by this Government to encourage both domestic and international investment for jobs in the New Zealand economy,” Mr Joyce says.

The list of areas where they have opposed investment separately or together is long and varied.  It includes:

  • Opposed law changes to allow the Hobbit movies to be produced here
  • Opposed resource management law changes to speed up investment  decisions
  • Opposed the plans to build the Auckland Convention Centre
  • Opposed oil & gas exploration on the East Coast
  • Opposed hydraulic fracturing
  • Opposed the investment by Haier in Fisher & Paykel Appliances
  • Opposed speeding up Bathurst Resources consents at Denniston
  • Opposed Chinese investment
  • Opposed international investment generally
  • Opposed tax changes to encourage productive investment
  • Opposed increased irrigation and intensification of agriculture
  • Opposed moves to lessen the ETS costs on trade-exposed businesses


“Every one of these Government moves, and others, are designed specifically to help grow more jobs in New Zealand for New Zealanders,” Mr Joyce says.

“If we want more jobs in New Zealand, we must be prepared to encourage more investment in this country by both domestic and international investors.

“The Prime Minister has made it clear New Zealand needs to become a magnet for new investment to grow jobs and incomes for New Zealand families.  I invite opposition parties to join in with that aim.”