Wanted: Fantasy characters from a faraway land

Monday 30 September 2013, 3:54PM

By Pead PR


The festive season is marching towards us and the annual Farmers Santa Parade looms on the horizon.

And that means Kiwi kids have the opportunity to let their imagination run wild by becoming fantasy characters in the annual parade.
This year’s event is particularly special as it not only marks the 80th parade but Pam Glaser’s 25th year of successfully managing the magical day.

Organisers are calling for boys and girls aged between 10 to 12 years old to be transformed into a variety of fantastical characters and add to the magic of the nation’s biggest Christmas parade.

Each year the event calls on the services of thousands of volunteers to make the magical day come to fruition. Organisers are seeking enthusiastic performers to sashay down Queen Street alongside the magnificently themed floats which have become icons of Auckland’s Christmas culture.

Parade day is not just for the children – adults, if you love to dress up there are ample opportunities to become involved. The parade requires a team of fun-loving grown-ups to fulfil marshalling and paraphernalia distribution duties while in costume.

Also required are visionary individuals who assist in bringing everything together behind the scenes. Help is needed from marshalling to banner carrying to costume minding. If you are interested and are 18 or older you can become involved in the festive event of the year.

Parade organiser Pam Glaser says Christmas is a truly magical time and the parade needs volunteers who are eager to share in the joy of the season.

“We’re looking for enthusiastic Aucklanders who can help put smiles on the faces of the thousands of spectators who come along on the day,” says Pam.

This year, the Farmers Santa Parade takes place on Sunday 24 November (rain date Sunday 1 December).

To secure a coveted creative position you will need to fill out an application form and attend a costume fitting during the school holidays at the following times:

Tuesday, 01 October and Wednesday, 02 October at 10:30am - 3:00pm
Thursday, 03 October 1:00pm – 7:00pm
Tuesday, 08 October 1:00pm – 7:00pm
Wednesday, 09 October 10:30am - 12:00pm
Thursday, 10 October 10:30am – 3:00pm

For more information on becoming a volunteer please call (09) 358 2395.   Alternatively you can go to, head to the volunteer page, fill out the application form online or download it and send it to the P.O. Box address provided.  You will then be contacted to come in for a fitting.