PropertyOnly NZ Aims To Bring Retirement Villages Providers and Retirees Together

Monday 14 September 2015, 10:25PM

By PropertyOnly NZ


PropertyOnly NZ Introduces a website feature which allows retirement village providers to display their properties to potential residents at no cost.

Auckland, New Zealand - PropertyOnly NZ - a fully featured real estate platform - announces that it has made available a no-cost service on its site which allows retirement village providers to post their properties online at The site – which utilizes the latest technology – features multi-media presentations which allow providers to upload images, maps, etc., and then manipulate them in order to better display the characteristics of their properties. In addition to images and maps, listings are bullet-pointed in order to make the features of each property stand out. Also aiding users of the site is a graphic view of visitor reports and the ability for agents to record the requirement of buyers who are seeking to reside in one of the properties presented on the site.

This site is viewable on iPhones, iPads, Android tablets thus making its content able to be shared over social media networks. Ancillary services that are vital to residents of retirement villages such as doctors, pharmacies and shopping centres are also viewable during a search of property listings. The site does more than just allow retirement villages property owners to advertise their properties.

New England has a robust and growing retiree community. According to a 2014 article in the Telegraph, New Zealanders are reported to live longer on average than at any other time in the country’s history. Moreover, New Zealand has traditionally been popular with British retirees looking to move overseas and as of 2014 there were reported to be an estimated 60,000 British pensioners living there in addition to Kiwi retirees. To fill this need in the retiree community, there are several retirement village providers in the area such as Fairview Lifestyle, Edmund Hillary and Settler’s Albany.

About PropertyOnly NZ
PropertyOnly NZ, is a technical company and provides a platform through which providers can display available residential and commercial properties. It is therefore, according to the site’s owners, not in competition with any retirement villages providers. PropertyOnly NZ is already used by several retirement village providers who see the need to merge the new media to better service customers in the digital age.

Contact Information:
To get more details about PropertyOnly NZ’s new website and the free listing service available on it, contact the following:


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