Your lifejacket is your friend - zip up, clip up and get on board

Friday 16 October 2015, 12:30PM

By WaterSafe Auckland


Your lifejacket is your friend - zip up, clip in, get on board.
Your lifejacket is your friend - zip up, clip in, get on board. Credit: WaterSafe Auckland


If there’s one message from Maritime NZ’s ‘Prep, Check, Know’ that WaterSafe Auckland (WAI) wants boaties to take on board this is it: WEAR A LIFEJACKET!

“Last year 27 recreational boaties lost their lives and 18 of them could have been saved had they been wearing a lifejacket,” says WAI’s Chief Executive Jonny Gritt.

“Wearing a lifejacket should be a habit, not a hassle.”

In support of Safer Boating Week (16-23 October) and the Safer Boating Forum, of which WAI is a member, we are seeking to emphasise this important water safety issue but in a different way with ‘Walk the Plank’ and #wearit4work photo competition.

“You’ve witnessed the wonderful Wellington wharf jump, now check out the plank,” says Jonny.

At high noon, Monday 19 October, representatives of our communities, council, water safety sector and rescue services will gather at Westhaven Marina to zip up, clip in and walk the plank, in to Auckland’s chilly waters. 

WAI’s campaign does have a serious undercurrent in that that we are asking people to reflect on the importance of wearing a lifejacket and to take action. It quite simply could save your life. 

“We want to see an aquatically confident Auckland, free from drowning, and urge everyone to play their part, it’s not rocket science. Whatever aquatic activity you are planning in the coming weeks, have fun and enjoy our beautiful waters safely.” says Jonny.


For more information or interviews contact.

Jonny Gritt
Chief Executive WaterSafe Auckland

Walk The Plank participants

At time of publication walking the plank in to Auckland’s chilly waters include representatives from WaterSafe Auckland, Westhaven Marina, Yachting NZ, Swimming NZ, Coastguard Northern Region, Surf Life Saving Northern Region, Auckland Harbourmaster, Maritime NZ, Colwill School, Wilde Media, Auckland Council, plus mystery guest!