Fishing Pro Busier Than Ever This Spring

Tuesday 27 October 2015, 1:25PM

By Beckie Wright


As usual, FishingPro’s boat and crew on Gladiator are busy doing what they do best, running and operating one of New Zealand’s best charter operations. While other boats around the country seem to be dropping out of commercial operation like flies, FishingPro has no intention to follow suit and this only helps to fill an already busy calendar for them during the upcoming fishing season.

Daylight saving marks the beginning of FishingPro’s prime fishing time and right now the Hauraki Gulf is alive with activity, and fishing on most days could be considered easy. Snapper, Kahawai, Kingfish and Trevally have had the signal by Mother Nature that summer is around the corner and their need to put back on condition ready for spawning means that fisherman can take advantage of a better bite. The annual pilchard and anchovie bait balls have pushed right in to the Hauraki Gulf, situated along the outer islands such as Tiritiri Matangi, Kawau and the around the top of the Firth of Thames and Waiheke Island. These bait fish don't have too much of a chance with the array of predators honed in on their presence and it's this time of year that anglers can quite often be catching Snapper and Kingfish in the presence of Brydes Whales and large pods of dolphins. Spring time truly is a fisherman's dream and all of this action is situated on the doorstep of Auckland and within an easy day trip for Gladiator.

The boat continues to run exceedingly well with the new CAT C7 engines and with these underfoot for the upcoming game fishing season that starts around mid-January, the FishingPro team will be operating at the Three Kings for the majority of these trips. They have already filled a large portion of the Game Fishing Season availability and this year looks very promising in terms of a strong El Nino current likely to push warmer than average water up to New Zealand's North Island, bringing with it a plethora of pelagic species.

As we approach the busy corporate time of year, FishingPro and Gladiator will be seen heading out with cocktail parties and corporate events, and  it's a beautiful time of year to be on the water and the FishingPro team love getting anyone and everyone out in to our big blue backyard.

With all the Maritime New Zealand skipper certification finally in hand, Gladiator's full time crew member Marcus Hazeldine has been at the helm for all recent trips. Gladiator's guests will surely benefit from his experience on the Hauraki Gulf, unwavering passion for fishing and love of being on the water. For more information please visit the website at .