BSA ruling - Nightline - TV3

Monday 10 December 2007, 9:23PM

By Broadcasting Standards Authority



Nightline reported on a story broadcast previously on TV3’s Campbell Live about a "self-confessed cat hater" from Christchurch. The item focused on the public’s outraged response to the story and included interviews with representatives from the Cats’ Protection League and the SPCA. The complainant alleged footage demonstrating how the man drowned cats breached the law and order standard because it depicted an ingenious device for, or unfamiliar method of, inflicting death, and the method was readily capable of easy imitation.

The BSA has stated on previous occasions that the intent behind the law and order standard is to prevent broadcasts that encourage viewers to break the law or otherwise promote, condone or glamorise criminal activity.

While the item did show the man demonstrating how he would lower a cage containing a cat into a barrel of water, in the BSA’s view it did not encourage viewers to break the law, or promote, condone or glamorise the man’s actions. In fact, the item focused mostly on the outraged reaction of viewers and the SPCA, all of whom considered the man’s actions completely unacceptable. Further, the reporter made it clear to viewers that the man’s actions were illegal and punishable by a term of imprisonment and/or a fine. The BSA declined to uphold the complaint.