Members of the Connected Business Network are growing their businesses in leaps and bounds

Monday 9 May 2016, 6:15PM

By Halo Biz


Connected Business Network Business Team meetings are a mixture of Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich mastermind philosophy, coupled with accountability and finished off with inspiration.

Each fortnight members of the Connected Business Network get together for a 60-minute fast-paced meeting where they brainstorm and hold themselves (and each other) accountable.

Meetings follow a strict agenda designed to help members grow their businesses.

This week’s BusinessView360 Discussion Topic covered achievements to date from previous BusinessView360 Discussion Topics.

Members shared successes, for example:

  • Overcoming procrastination to achieve a task that’s been on a to-do list for almost a year.
  • Increasing fees and having new clients not even bat an eyelid. 
  • Putting procedures in place to ensure testimonials and referrals are a regular part of doing business.
  • Collaboration with other members for a mutually profitable joint venture partnership.

The brainstorming segment of Connected Business Network Business Team meetings is called BusinessView360 because it gives members the opportunity to hear what and how other business owners handle given situations and scenarios.

“This is what makes the Connected Business Network different from other networking organisations” says founder Julie South “Members love that they can tap into the wisdom of other Business Team meetings to help them get clarity and/or inspiration”.

For more information contact Julie South – or phone her direct on 027 282 4155.