Changes to the Tenancies Act affecting Property Management

Friday 3 June 2016, 12:43PM

By Rentex Limited



The Residential Tenancy Act has had a little shake up.
In our last property management blog article we talked about new requirements for smoke alarms and insulation.

We are pleased to see there are some additional changes on the way which are good news for both landlords and tenants. 

New bond forms have been released which allow additional tenants to be named and each tenant section now contains the amount paid by the tenant and their signature. 
This should reduce confusion over signatures and reduce conflict where there are multiple tenants named. 

See Tenancy Services website to download them. 

Also, landlords can now pay bonds online and upload the bond form. This saves writing out cheques and postage hassles.

Secondly, there is a new process for handling tenant abandonment of rental properties. 

Inspection notice requirements are reduced and the Tenancy Tribunal will fast-track landlord applications for possession of the property. Applications completion time frame committment is said to be completed within 10 days.

MBIE have said the landlord doesn't need to be present for the case, although we recommend they do go. 

More specific details are available on our website, plus information about Property Management in Auckland

If you have any questions, please contact our team, we'd be happy to assist. 0800 RENTEX.