Rangi Ruru Wins Horse Trial

Monday 29 August 2016, 5:59PM

By RedPR


Rangi Ruru's Blue and Gold Teams Together
Rangi Ruru's Blue and Gold Teams Together Credit: Supplied


Rangi Ruru’s Gold team has won the Jane Sullivan Canterbury Interschools One Day Horse Trial (ODHT) Trophy with the schools’ Blue team coming 4th – pipped for 3rd by 0.3 of a point.

Two other riders competed strongly for a composite team. 

Director of Equestrian at Rangi Ruru Girls’ School, Pippa Young says this is the first time Rangi Ruru has won the Trophy since successes in 2003 and 2004, and the sixth time in the trophy’s more than 30-year history.

“Jane Sullivan is a former Rangi Ruru student so to receive the trophy named after her, from her, was very significant to us all,” she says. “The girls performed brilliantly riding almost without any faults in Showjumping or Cross-country. That’s quite exceptional when you consider that all of the riders are in their first few years of secondary education, mostly Year 9 and 10.”

2016 has been a successful year for the Rangi Ruru equestrian teams.

“We have won the Canterbury Show Jumping and Eventing Canterbury Equestrian Inter-schools events this year, and performed very well in the Dressage,” says Pippa Young. “These girls are going from strength to strength which is testament to their dedication and skill, as well as the excellent equestrian programme we run here at Rangi Ruru.”

The wet and windy competitions on Sunday saw 22 teams compete at the National Equestrian Centre at McLeans Island.


The Gold team is Annabelle Jones, Mikayla Smith, Luca Swale and Olivia Goodwillie

The Blue Team is Brianna Bailey, Leah Zydenbos, Issy Ussher and Grace Thomson