Stopping Violence Dunedin wins the City of Literature Beyond Words Award at the Dunedin Fringe Festival

Tuesday 21 March 2017, 3:04PM

By Stopping Violence Dunedin


Stopping Violence Dunedin won the City of Literature Award on Sunday Night.
Stopping Violence Dunedin won the City of Literature Award on Sunday Night. Credit: Stopping Violence Dunedin

On Sunday night at the Dunedin Fringe Festival awards night. It was announced that Stories to Heal Violence won the City of Literature Beyond Words Award, its is an incredible honour to recieve this award.

It was an incredible show. The public responded well and very well recieved by the Dunedin Community. 

Thanks to the hard work of the cast of Stories to Heal Violence.


Brook Patrick Bray 

Donna Thmopson

Emere Leitch-Munro

Francis Kewene

Matawai Uiti-Nicolls

Sean Martin


Tarn Felton 

Producer & Devisor: 

Francis Kewene

Assist. Director: 

Cinnamon Boreham


For more information about Stopping Violence Dunedin go to to find out about our services.