Even in difficult cases we can give you the expert advice to help you move forward

Wednesday 11 July 2018, 10:55AM

By Rachel Ellis



Resolving Immigration Problems

Having a competent immigration lawyer in New Zealand is essential as things can go wrong very easily.  At IDESI LEGAL we are skilled immigration, refuge and property lawyers and are here to help you navigate your way through these complex areas of law. We can improve the chances of success.

We are known to help legalise many people who have been in New Zealand as overstayers. One such individual was recently legalised. For the most part of 30 years, she did not have a visa to legally stay in New Zealand. An outright residence visa was granted to her by the Immigration Protection Tribunal after an initial Ministerial level direction for a one-day temporary visa to enable her to access the Appeal rights was issued. This person was overjoyed when she received the news of the grant of a residence visa. The only words she could utter on receiving this joyous news, was “thank you Lord, thank you Jesus and thank you Lawyer!”

A person can be subject to a deportation liability notice even after a residence visa has been granted. This happens! In fact whole families can be subject to this. The applicant(s) could have lied, omitted or concealed information during the New Zealand visa process, and can be subject to a deportation liability notice. Again, we rescued a family of 8: 7 deportation liability notices were cancelled by the Minister with one deportation liability notice suspended for three years. Nobody had to leave New Zealand. It can happen!

As Immigration, Refuge and Property Lawyers, we provide honest and risk-assessed advice. We cut to the chase and do not raise unnecessary hopes. IDESI LEGAL states the situation as it is and gives a realistic assessment of chance of success. We do not waste your time or money. If we assess you to have very little chance of success with your immigration problem, we will tell you and it is up to you to decide whether you wish us to proceed with your case given the unlikelihood of success. Sometimes we are surprised ourselves at the outcome of an immigration problem with a low likelihood of success that we are able to turn around. That is always good news and a cause for celebration.

Solving your immigration problem is possible! It requires a particular skill and IDESI LEGAL has it.

Immigration law is complex, but our legal team is experienced. There are many aspects to visa applications that require professional assistance, and the know-how, despite what you may read or see online.

If you have a problem with your visa or residency application, and need New Zealand immigration advice, then please contact us today, call 09 283 0157. With IDESI LEGAL you are in safe hands.