Physio Logic - The Physiotherapist Near You In Auckland

Wednesday 24 June 2020, 10:49AM

By Physio-Logic



People searching for physiotherapists using the term "physio near me" should find Physio Logic. They are experienced and qualified physiotherapists with a drive to relieving people of pain. They are a leading physiotherapy practice that treats each client individually.
Most other physios cannot claim that they are Auckland wide. Physio Logic has locations in Ellerslie, Eden Terrace and Mt Wellington so they can truly claim this. If you are looking for a physio near you they are a good pick. Physio Logic regularly gets referred to family members, colleagues and friends from our happy clientele.
They provide a personal experience working through looking at your pain in a systematic way. And will guide you through a process on getting rid of your pain. They are able to work with your employer, case managers and ACC as well. It is best to have a team and work together to treat your injury. If necessary, they can work together with others to ensure you recover quickly. Physio Logic can refer to other specialists to get ultrasound scans and x-rays as appropriate.
Through the experience of our qualified team, you will get a comprehensive assessment including looking at your body positioning as a whole and your bodies internal functioning. Then they work hard to get you back to functioning normally through procedures such as exercise prescription, joint mobilisation, soft tissue mobilisation, cupping, dry needling and electrotherapy.
Physio Logic’s service can be used for issues relating to Shoulder injuries, tennis elbow, hand and wrist pain. Overuse injuries and stress fractures, muscle tears, tendon and ligament sprains.
Physio Logic – your physiotherapist in Auckland.