An Exit Package is the perfect way to leave your job

Wednesday 22 July 2020, 12:58PM

By Work Law Limited - Employment Law - 0800 NoWinNoFee


When an employment relationship has broken down, an exit package is often used to end the employment contract. They can be initiated by either the employer or the employee.

Exit Packages are attractive to both employer and employee.

Exit Packages allow the employer to bring the employment relationship to an end quickly, easily and without a lot of delay and expense.

There are many reasons for an employee to need to leave a job. Sometimes it’s the arrival of a new CEO who wants to place their ‘own people’ in pivotal roles. Suddenly responsibilities change, new middle managers appear, and employees find themselves doing the same job but with less status. Alternatively, an employer may genuinely need to restructure a business, resulting in redundancies, or the business may be in trouble and the employee is able to see the writing on the wall.

Check out our website for more information about how we can help you with a graceful exit.