New survey shows three out of four Kiwi kids see a career in online streaming

Wednesday 1 December 2021, 3:14PM

By Undertow Media NZ


Young New Zealanders (10-18) are taking note of the multi-million-dollar industry – but are their parents on the same page?

Online streaming has boomed in recent years and a new survey commissioned by Logitech New Zealand proves that Kiwi kids are paying attention with 75 per cent agreeing that sites like YouTube and Twitch offer a viable career option.

With wide-ranging subject matter, from beauty tutorials to gaming, and top talent like Tyler ‘Ninja’ Blevins earning in the millions (he made a cool $17 mil in 2019), it’s hard to argue that streaming isn’t a ‘real job’.

But Kiwi parents might be slower to catch on than their kids with just over half agreeing that streaming can be a career.

Logitech New Zealand’s General Manager, Fabien Degueldre, says that while all parents might not be seeing eye to eye with their kids just yet, these figures show the gap is not as wide as most might think.

“That fact that just over half of parents understood that you can make a career out of this is fantastic, I can only imagine how low that number would have been 15, 10 or even 5 years ago,” says Fabien.

With 3 in 5 young Kiwis consuming online video content daily it’s no surprise ‘streamer’ is high on the list of career aspirations. Unlike many traditional dream jobs, it’s one that can be done from almost any corner of the globe – Kiwi streaming sensation Granny is the proof.

With over 80 thousand followers on Twitch, Granny immerses herself in character for a gaming stream almost daily and has built a community and steady income that means she now has international management.

Granny hopes that Kiwi success stories like her will encourage more support for the next generation of talent.

“Career counsellors in schools will often tell students who are struggling to make decisions, that there is a chance your dream job just doesn’t exist yet. We know now that streaming and content creation can be a wonderful option.

“The audience for gaming specifically has grown and continues to do so, going from a niche market to mainstream. There’s still a chance for anyone who is on the fence about becoming a content creator. Just remember, your type of content might not exist yet, not until you create it,” says Granny.

Today’s parents might be more accepting of streaming dreams, but that doesn’t mean they want to foot the bill. 47 per cent said their kids would have to work to pay for gear and a further 12 per cent were willing to spend less than $100 to help out.

Results showed that most 10-18 year olds rely on the grown-ups in their lives to buy their electronics (87 per cent) – whether outright, via allowances or saving up monetary gifts – meaning the next gen of Kiwi streamers might be off to a slow start.

“Kiwi parents are willing to spend hundreds on activities like sports, music and dance lessons so why not streaming?

“Streaming doesn’t have to break the bank, a basic webcam is a great start and you can build their kit as they develop skills and stick with it.

“Sure, not every kid is going to be the next Ninja, but you can get them going for less than half the price of rugby camp and we don’t expect every budding player to make the All Blacks,” says Fabien.

32 per cent of parents say they don’t know enough about streaming to comment. According to Fabien it shows there’s still a gulf in understanding of what streaming can be – despite many of today’s parents coming from ‘digital native’ generations.

“The Myspace generation are the parents now, but they can be just as out of touch when it comes to what Gen Z are up to, as their parents were with them.

“Despite joining the mainstream, gaming and streaming by association, still get a bad rap.

“Basement-dwelling caricatures are still in the zeitgeist and parents are bombarded with messages about reducing screentime – despite so much of our own lives taking place online, particularly in a post-Covid world, keeping kids away from technology is unrealistic,” says Fabien.

While gaming was the most popular category watched by 62 per cent of kids, parents will be happy to know they have varied streaming diets. Learning new skills like cooking, craft or dance and watching lectures and tutorials all have their fans plus news and sport are still getting their time in the sun too.

“Our kids are living their lives online so parents should take an interest in what they are watching and posting,” says Fabien.

Key survey findings:

Children watch significantly more online videos than their parents, with 63% watching online videos at least once a day compared to 43% of their parents
Kiwis aged 10-18 years old are significantly more likely than their parents to see online streaming on YouTube or Twitch as a potential career 75% vs 55% of their parents
60% of children are interested in learning how to stream or becoming a streamer, with 37% saying they would love to make money from streaming
Only 14% of children aged 10-18 years old are not interested in streaming
Almost a third of parents said they don’t know enough about streaming to comment (32%)
The most popular online video platforms for 10-18 year olds are YouTube (90%), Tik Tok (46%) Instagram (43%) and Facebook (35%). Use of all platforms is significantly higher once they turn 18
Children start viewing this content young, with 73% of 10-11 year olds currently watching streamers and gamers and almost one in five of the same age group saying they can’t wait to post videos once they are old enough/allowed to
Although the majority of 10-18 year olds rely on their parents to pay for electronics (76%), their parents aren’t interested in contributing financially to supporting a child who wants to become a streamer. 47% said they would not support their child financially
Of the 53% who said they would support their child financially, the average they are willing to spend is less than $500
By the numbers, what are Kiwi 10-18 year olds watching:

Gamers and streamers 62%
Music videos 54%
Comedy 50%
Sport 30%
Dancing 28%
Crafts 27%
Reviews 23%
Cooking 23%
Beauty 20%
Lectures or tutorials 18%
Fitness and Health 17%
News 15%
Politics 5%



About Logitech

Logitech helps all people pursue their passions by designing experiences so everyone can create, achieve, and enjoy more. Logitech designs and creates products that bring people together through computing, gaming, video, streaming and creating, and music. Brands of Logitech include Logitech, ASTRO Gaming, Streamlabs, Blue Microphones, Ultimate Ears and Jaybird.