Recycling – The Goods and Not So Goods

Tuesday 22 January 2008, 5:00PM

By Tararua District Council



Public willingness to recycle is good news for the district’s landfills with December’s monthly volume jumping to 64 tonnes, an increase of 24 tonnes from previous figures.

Other good news is that plastics and tins are cleaner now as more users take on the “tops off, wash and squash” message.

But overloaded bins with rubbish stacked alongside, cardboard left on the ground to turn soggy if it rains, and inappropriate items being stuffed into containers despite notices to the contrary are all indications that some people have not yet got the message – or don’t bother to read the signs.

A foam rubber mattress stuffed into a plastics bin is just one example of inappropriate recycling, council’s waste manager Jeremy Hirst says.

Rather than dump recyclables outside an already full bin Mr Hirst asks that they be taken home - bins are monitored on a daily basis - or in the case of Dannevirke that both bins are checked out.

Venues are the Allardice Street car park and the landfill.

Meanwhile the Weber community is now welcoming its own access to a bin (pictured) located outside the district hall.