EUFA recovery roadshow - Back on the Road in Tauranga

Thursday 21 February 2008, 9:20AM

By Exposing Unacceptable Financial Activities



Tauranga Investors who have lost money in finance companies, including Blue Chip have an opportunity to meet this morning at 10am at the Tauranga RSA on Cameron Road.

EUFA Inc Soc (Exposing Unacceptable Financial Activities) are holding the EUFA RECOVERY ROAD SHOW throughout NZ which with the last meeting being in Christchurch on 19 March 2008.

Coordinator of EUFA Suzanne Edmonds said from Auckland yesterday “We expect investors to gain positive initiatives from attending the meeting in learning how to take the first steps in Recovery of their money” She went on to say

“Recovering losses is the only satisfactory outcome for hurt investors - money is not lost - it has been rechanneled into the wrong pockets”.

An investor from Tauranga who does not want to be identified said last night “I am not looking for revenge I am seeking accountability and responsibility for the lies and deceit that my advisor is responsible for in getting his hands on my money. His style was shonky and I believe he needs to face reality over this”.

The Tauranga meeting will most likely very enlightening for investors , as the current communications from Receivers are very non committal and offering no solutions.”

Tauranga local Coordinator Mrs Margaret Hills said yesterday, “We promoted the meeting everywhere we could and we expecting a positive attendance”