Human remains located near Wanaka

Saturday 5 April 2008, 10:39PM

By New Zealand Police



On Thursday 3 April 2008, trampers in the area of the South Branch of the Siberia stream reported that they had located what appeared to be human remains.

Today, Police and members of Wanaka Search and Rescue went into the area and recovered various items from an un-named creek in the South Siberia Valley at a level of approximately 815 metres above sea level.

The remains will this week be examined by a Pathologist in Dunedin to attempt to identify the gender and identity of the individual.

The matter has been referred to the Coroner and investigations are continuing.

In March 2007, 72 year old English tourist Derek HAWKINS went missing while tramping in the area. Despite an extensive search at the time he was not located.

Mr HAWKINS next of kin in the United Kingdom have been advised of this latest development.
Acting Officer in Charge of the Wanaka Police, Constable Emma Fleming said, 'The remains were located in an area near the focus of the search for Mr HAWKINS and it would be very pleasing to bring his family some closure should the remains be those of Mr HAWKINS'.

It is not anticipated that any further media release will be made on this incident until the results of the pathologist's examination of the remains are known.