THE UNIONIST: Privatisation, Out At Work, Wage Drive, Aged Care petition

Friday 29 August 2008, 8:48AM

By NZ Council of Trade Unions


In 'The Unionist' this week: privatisation plans, Out @ Work, aged care petition, and more from the Work Rights Wage Drive. Story summaries are below, and visit this page for the full newsletter:  

* ACC, roads, schools, hospitals – where does it all end?: The growing list of state assets that National wants to privatise is a concern, CTU president Helen Kelly said this week.

* Out @ Work launch awareness campaign: Unionists and guests joined Out @ Work delegates last Friday night to launch the new CTU Out @ Work pamphlet.

* Roadshow finishes in Auckland: The Work Rights Wage Drive finishes this afternoon with a mass rally in Auckland's North Shore.

* Aged Care Petition - 10,000 Strong And Calling for Safe Staffing: Aged care workers this week presented a petition of over 10,000 people calling on Government to legislate for mandatory staffing levels - to make rest homes and aged care hospitals not only safe places for workers, but also safe places for the elderly.

* Join the Fairness At Work campaign: 'Plays of the Week' - a short weekly heads up from the Council of Trade Unions Fairness At Work campaign - continues, with issue five out this Monday

Visit this page for the full newsletter: