THE UNIONIST: Election, cheaper doctor visits, wages and interest rates

Friday 12 September 2008, 6:23PM

By NZ Council of Trade Unions


In The Unionist this week: the election, cheaper doctor visits, wages and interest rates. Story summaries are below, and visit this page for the full newsletter:  

* Election 2008 - November 8th: The Prime Minister has today announced the election date as November 8th. And quick off the mark, this Monday CTU Unions Local groups will be hitting the streets in all the main centres, with CTU 'Fairness At Work - Worth Voting For' leaflets.

* Cheaper doctor fees - should I stay or should I go? Workers are still left wondering whether National will remove the cap on GP fees,” Council of Trade Unions president Helen Kelly said today.

* Wage gap with Australia: “It is ironic to see John Key ask Labour to please explain the wage gap with Australia when in fact it blew out in the 1990s under a National-led Government,” CTU Economist Peter Conway said on Monday.

* Interest rate cut the right decision: The Council of Trade Unions has backed the Reserve Bank's decision to cut the official cash rate by 0.5 percent.

Visit this page for the full newsletter: