Te Runanga o Ngati Whatua sign Terms of Negotiation with Crown

Wednesday 15 October 2008, 8:02AM

By Michael Cullen



Minister in Charge of Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Hon Dr Michael Cullen signed Terms of Negotiation on behalf of the Crown with representatives of Te Runanga o Ngati Whatua this morning, in Wellington.

"Te Runanga o Ngati Whatua will negotiate the settlement of the remaining historical claims of Ngati Whatua and this means that we close an important chapter in the relationship between the Crown and Ngati Whatua and begin a new one," said Dr Cullen.

Te Runanga o Ngati Whatua's area of interest is expressed as Tamaki ki Maunganui i te tai Hauauru and Tamaki ki Manaia I te Rawhiti. The northern boundary is expressed as Manaia titiro ki Whatitiri ki Tutamoe, Tutamoe ki Maunganui. The southern boundary is expressed as Te Awa o Tamaki.

"The signing of Terms with Te Runanga o Ngati Whatua recognises the significant efforts of many people today. It is important that the final remaining claims of Ngati Whatua will all now be progressing to settlement," said Dr Cullen.

"Today's signing is a welcome addition to the latest steps by the government to settle all historical Treaty claims by 2020 and is a positive and dynamic phase for Crown-Maori relationships in New Zealand."