Nurse practitioner in stratford

Thursday 18 December 2008, 11:22AM

By Stratford District Council



Stratford young people are preparing for a healthy 2009.

Recent Youth Forums in Stratford revealed a number of issues that Stratford young people see as important to their wellbeing, including access to health services. From early 2009 this issue will be somewhat addressed with the services of a youth focussed Nurse Practitioner.

Marilyn Chittenden, a Registered Nurse, experienced in Public Health and Youth services, has been employed by the Ngati Ruanui Health Service to provide clinical support to the wider South Taranaki area, offering full youth assessments.
The commitment of this innovative service is the commencement of a dedicated clinic in Stratford on Wednesday mornings. This service will be free of cost and unique because Marilyn is able to write prescriptions.

Working from the privacy of the Taranaki Feats building on Juliet Street should see an increase in young people accessing health services in Stratford. Careful to be providing a service that young people will be comfortable using, the service will be economical and private.

Marilyn has been working with young people for 15 years. Marilyn begins work in Stratford from 7 January 2009, and will be introduced to alternative education centres, schools and other youth focused organisations in the area in February.
This initiative is the result of collaboration between the Stratford District Council, Ngati Ruanui Health Centre, Peak Health Taranaki, and Taranaki Feats.
Appointments with Nurse Practitioner Marilyn Chittenden can be made by calling 06 765 5479.