Summer Temperatures Heighten Fire Risk

Tuesday 23 December 2008, 4:27PM

By Hastings District Council



Soaring summer temperatures has made Hastings District one of the driest areas in the country and the NZ Fire Service and Rural Fire Officers are warning people to be very careful regarding fires during the holiday period.
Hastings District Council Deputy Principal Rural Fire Officer, Paul Hawke, said today that the Restricted Fire Season remains in place for now, but the district is being monitored daily to decide whether a total fire ban might need to be imposed soon.

“Many areas on the Heretaunga Plains and near the coast are verging on extreme fire conditions. Especially local communities in the Maraekakaho, Crownthorpe, Waimarama, Ocean Beach and Putorino areas,” said Mr Hawke.

“Long range weather indications are that we can expect several more months of very hot dry weather with little rain, which increases the fire danger and may bring the need for a total fire ban,” he said.

Currently, fire permits are only being issued for barbecues or traditional cooking fires, such as a Hangi or Umu, as it’s becoming too dangerous for fires out in the open, especially in rural areas.

Fires must be attended at all times; the ground surrounding the fire must be wet down to provide a fire break; and equipment must be on hand to immediately put a fire out if it gets out of control. Only gas barbecues are allowed to be used without a permit.

“We are delighted that the public have taken care and responsibility with fires to date, but we are now entering a period of higher fire danger so we ask that people be extra vigilant.”

“If people have any queries they should contact a Rural Fire Officer at Hastings District Council, who will be happy to provide advice.”