'Due Process must be followed' says Maori Party co-leaders

Tuesday 17 March 2009, 3:32PM

By Maori Party



Maori Party co-leaders, Hon Dr Pita Sharples and Hon Tariana Turia, have noted the comments of Tai Tokerau MP, Hone Harawira released today in a Northern paper.


“On a personal level, of course we understand the concern that Hone has for his whanaunga, and we appreciate his intentions, in seeking a restorative justice process to bring all parties together, in the interests of resolution” said Dr Sharples.


“However, we have no tolerance for violence, and we have been greatly concerned about the assault against the position of the Prime Minister, the elected leader of our country” said Dr Sharples.


“Our intentions as the Maori Party, have been to work towards creating effective relationships between the Crown and Maori. Violence has no place in that process”.


“Nationhood is built by understanding each other’s point of view” said Mrs Turia. “It is arguable whether the court of law or the court of public opinion are the best places for such dialogue to be held”.


“We certainly encourage Hone to continue to support his whanau – ultimately, mauriora is achieved when we all take collective responsibility to restore peaceful means of communication as the norm”.


"But our party is also centred on the commitment to respecting due process to the law - it was, after all, the fundamental breach of that process around the foreshore and seabed shame, that motivated so many of us to speak up in the cause of justice".


"We are also mindful of the doctrine of the separation of powers - which instructs any politician against any actions which could be construed as interfering in the course of law" said Mrs Turia.