Call for submissions to 10-year plan

Tuesday 21 April 2009, 3:10PM

By Manukau City Council



More than 800 submissions have come in so far from the public to the Manukau City Council’s Long Term Council Community Plan (10-year plan).

“This is the last 10-year plan for Manukau because of the local governance restructure for Auckland. Therefore, it’s more important than ever that Manukau’s communities make their voices and priorities heard,” Policy & Activities chair Colleen Brown says.

“There are many projects included in the 10-year plan that people have told us are needed for their communities – if these are to be confirmed, we need to hear what should take priority, so that when the plan is finalised it truly reflects Manukau’s needs.

“It is a time of uncertainty with the restructure, and we acknowledge this. That is why it’s essential that people make submissions on the plan and the projects that affect their communities,” Cr Brown says.

A summary of the 10-year plan went out to all Manukau letter-boxes on Sunday, and is available on, along with the full plan.

“Submissions are easily made on line at this dedicated website, or people can fill out the print submission form and send it in. Whichever method you choose, we urge people to get involved, have a say on what happens in your community, because your views are vital for your community’s future development.

“If people have common concerns or issues they want to make submissions on, they can make joint submissions with friends, neighbours or clubs.”

Submissions close 6 May 2009. The council will hear from those who wish to speak to their submissions, in the week beginning 18 May 2009.