New Law Firm Challenges Traditional Role Of Lawyers

Friday 19 June 2009, 5:16PM

By legal options



A new Christchurch law firm aims to demystify the law and break down the barriers that prevent people from seeking timely legal advice. legal options provides a stand-alone service where people can access affordable legal information and practical advice for a set fee. The firm aims to identify the simplest, most effective solution for each client, which may or may not include using a lawyer.

legal options provides each client with an independent assessment by a qualified lawyer. Each client receives information and practical advice about their rights and options under the law. legal options helps people make informed decisions, assisting them with their next step, or referring them to a lawyer or other professional service provider that best suits their needs.

The firm will initially specialise in family and general disputes.

“We believe that information empowers people to make the best decisions for themselves and their families,” says legal options director, Karen Dennison. “By providing readily accessible and affordable legal information we can assist people to make informed decisions about matters directly affecting them.

“Often people experiencing significant relationship difficulties do not know where to start to address their issues,” says Dennison. “Frequently these people are anxious about seeing a lawyer or are too scared to take the first step because they are fearful of what the consequences may be. Some are worried about the cost and the pressure of having to act on their lawyer’s advice. Many people simply don’t know which lawyer to go to or what options are available to them.

“Not all disputes require legal intervention,” she continued. “We are qualified to assess whether a client needs a lawyer immediately or whether they can use other means to resolve their issue in the first instance.
“For many people the law can be quite daunting and intimidating. We aim to cut through confusing aspects of the law and break it into small bits for people to digest. “Quite often solutions can be very simple or can be addressed in a more timely and cost effective way through counseling or mediation. Getting lawyers involved unnecessarily and issuing proceedings without considering the alternatives often polarises the parties and makes resolution all the more difficult. People need to know that there could be a better solution out there for them.

“Seeing a lawyer at legal options will allow people to make progress without upping the anti. As experienced family lawyers we believe that people must have access to affordable legal information and practical advice about the options available to them.”


Background Information
What is legal options?

legal options is a specialist legal information service where experienced lawyers provide assessment and advice for a set fee. legal options has been established by two experienced family law practitioners Karen Dennison and Victoria Henstock. Initially legal options will focus primarily on family law and general disputes, branching out into other areas of law as the need arises.

What does legal options offer?
legal options makes an independent assessment for each client and provides them with information and practical advice about their rights and options under the law. They are qualified to assess whether clients need a lawyer or if there are other ways to resolve the dispute. If they determine the issues are lengthy or complex or proceedings are required urgently they will refer the client to a lawyer best suited to meet their needs. legal options will provide clients with information to make informed decisions and assist them to take the next step or refer them to other professional service providers.

How does legal options differ from other legal providers?

legal options is a stand alone service where people can access legal information and advice for a set fee. Unlike traditional lawyers legal options does not seek to act for people on a continuing basis. Instead they provide a one off - no strings attached consultation where there is no pressure on the client to do anything further. They will find the simplest, most effective solution for each client.

legal options aims to help those people who are in a state of flux and do not know where to start or what to do next. People often receive misleading information from non-legal sources. This adds to their stress and confusion. legal options can reduce that stress by providing accurate information early on. People tend not to seek legal advice in the early stages but end up instructing a lawyer when matters are well down the track and there are no alternatives but litigation.

Not sure if a lawyer is needed?

legal options recognise not all disputes require immediate legal intervention and some may not require it at all. They are qualified to advise on the complexities of each case and the most appropriate forum for resolution. If they determine client’s issues are complex or urgent they will refer them to a suitably qualified lawyer. There may be some preliminary steps clients can take themselves before instructing a lawyer, such as counselling, mediation or education programmes. Having received accurate legal advice in the initial stages some people may not need to take any further action.

Finding the Right Lawyer.
legal options believes that instructing a lawyer should be a matter of informed choice, not just a matter of course. They can help people identify the lawyer best suited to their needs. Sometimes people have to change their lawyer part way through a dispute because the lawyer does not have the required expertise to deal with their case. At legal options they aim to reduce this occurrence by ensuring that people instruct the right lawyer in the first instance.

Why see legal options when people can go directly to their existing lawyer?

Some people feel unable to approach the lawyer has previously acted for both parties. In any event that lawyer may be unable to act for them. Many lawyers have a specific area of expertise. The existing lawyer may not have the experience or specific expertise that required. When clients are referred to a lawyer by legal options their lawyer will gain the benefit of their initial involvement by receiving their preliminary information sheet and a summary of the legal and factual issues. Legal options may ultimately save clients time and money by ensuring they instruct the right lawyer in the first instance.

Can legal options undertake legal aid work?

Yes. They can advise clients on the likelihood of their eligibility and assist them with their application.

Can legal options represent clients in court?
No. Where required they will refer clients to a lawyer who will represent them in court, or they can assist clients representing themselves (see below).

The decision to self-represent should not be taken lightly. There are a number of factors to be considered and legal options recommend clients read their information sheet for self-litigants if they are considering this option.

Can clients see legal options more than once?

Yes. Clients will be required to pay a consultation fee on each visit. The first appointment is for a minimum of one hour. Subsequent consultations are charged at the half hourly rate.

Can legal options give advice over the telephone?
No. They do not give advice over the telephone.