Gold Shines on Edgewater Resort

Tuesday 4 August 2009, 4:45PM

By Edgewater Resort



Wanaka's Edgewater Resort is the first hotel in the region to be awarded with the Qualmark Green top rating of 'Enviro-Gold' after a rigorous process, which included an external review by the Green Business Scheme based in the UK.

The Enviro-Gold award extends and enhances the Qualmark® – New Zealand's official mark of quality for tourism – by recognising the active participation and high levels of achievements Edgewater Resort has made in environmental and social indicators.

According to General Manager, Leigh Stock the Enviro-Gold top rating recognises the enormous commitment by his team to the environment in all facets of the hotel operations.

“I consider that our success in this area was due to perseverance over several years and attention to many initiatives, such as timers on our outside lights and sprinklers, low energy appliances in the suites and through various types of recycling - but they all add up”, says Leigh.

Edgewater Resort has a history of commitment to sustainability dating back to August 2005.

“Our sustainability journey started with support from Sustainable Wanaka when we were selected as one of their pilot project businesses. The information, support and guidance provided by Project Manager, Megan Williams assisted us to lay a strong environmentally friendly foundation,” adds Leigh.

Sustainable Wanaka is a charitable trust that manages projects in Wanaka. The project was funded by the Ministry of Tourism and managed in conjunction with the Ministry for the Environment and Lake Wanaka Tourism.

Edgewater Resort's confirmation of its Enviro-Gold status comes at a time when Qualmark New Zealand celebrates one year since launching the enviro scheme. There are now has over 200 tourism businesses holding a Qualmark Green enviro rating.

According to Qualmark New Zealand Chief Executive, Geoff Penrose, “We are delighted that we've got 200 accredited businesses and 50 who went straight to Enviro-Gold. Edgewater Resort was one of those 50 to achieve gold status on their first assessment”.

The other rankings are Enviro-Silver and Enviro-Bronze and the five key assessment areas are; energy efficiency, waste reduction, water management, and involvement in conservation and community activities.
Enviro rankings are in addition to the requirements set out in the original Qualmark assessment. Edgewater Resort has held a hotel four star plus Qualmark® since 30 May 2005.

Sustainable Wanaka:
Qualmark Green:
Qualmark New Zealand;