Irresponsible, Illegal Dumping is a Costly Problem in Kaipara

Thursday 13 August 2009, 8:56AM

By Kaipara District Council


illegally dumped rubbish on Opanake Road
illegally dumped rubbish on Opanake Road Credit: Kaipara District Council
illegally dumped rubbish on Opanake Road
illegally dumped rubbish on Opanake Road Credit: Kaipara District Council


Illegally dumped rubbish is damaging Kaipara’s clean green image and costing its ratepayers dearly.

“The problem seems to be increasing, possibly because of the recession, but whatever the reason it is totally unacceptable. It shows laziness and lack of care for our environment,” says Kaipara Councillor Brian Burnett who is urging people to act responsibly and dispose of their rubbish through official collections or transfer stations.

Councillor Burnett, who holds the Council’s refuse portfolio, says the problem ranges from small amounts of roadside rubbish to a site on Opanake Road, near Dargaville, where an estimated 20 cubic metres of rubbish has been dumped. Council has put up ‘no dumping’ signs there but they have been ignored or removed.

“In addition to the eyesore, vermin and health risks, cleaning up after illegal dumpers is a very costly business,” Councillor Burnett says. “The Council has budgeted $19,000 for the current financial year but already this is looking conservative if present levels continue. The Opanake Road site alone is going to cost ratepayers up to $6,000 by the time we recover the unsavoury mess and take it to a transfer station.“

Kaipara District Council is doing all in its power to stamp out illegal dumping and make offenders pay for the extra work they create.

It is increasing its surveillance of ‘hot spots’, rubbish is checked and culprits who are identified are sent substantial bills for the cost of cleaning up their mess. They will be further hit in the pocket by a new set of instant fines of up to $400.00 which are about to be introduced.

But Councillor Burnett says much of the solution lies with the community. "It is everyone’s right to access our refuse disposal systems, but it is also our responsibility to protect our environment. Please think of this before trying to save a couple of dollars by tipping your rubbish down a bank.”