Hawkes Bay Ready for Great Wine Capital Judge Visit

Wednesday 26 August 2009, 2:09PM

By Hastings District Council



Hastings, Hawke’s Bay may soon officially take the title many believe it rightfully deserves – as the Great Wine Capital of New Zealand.

Delegates from the Great Wine Capital Network arrive in Hawke’s Bay tonight for a two day visit during which they will judge the region for the prestigious title of New Zealand’s Wine Capital.

Only one wine region per country is awarded this title – and Hastings, Hawke’s Bay and Christchurch, South Island are the two finalist which are being judged in New Zealand.

Hastings Mayor Lawrence Yule says the delegates have a pack itinerary that will give them a true taste of Hawke’s Bay - showcasing wineries, iconic sites across Hawke’s Bay and watching the Magpies take on Tasman on Friday evening.

“We’ve been overwhelmed by the level of support we’ve received from businesses across Hawke’s Bay who want to see Hawke’s Bay become the Great Wine Capital of New Zealand. It’s been great to see the region pull together for something we could all benefit from.”

Hawke’s Bay Wine Country Tourism Association was approached by the GWC Network in April and an application to the Network, which is based in Bordeaux, France, was presented in late June.

Megan Harris, from Wine Country, says the association is very excited about the opportunities that being part of the Great Wine Capitals Network could offer to Hawke’s Bay as a region, and the tourism industry in particular.

Jane Libby, Manager of Food Hawke’s Bay and member of the local GWC organising committee, says Hawke’s Bay could make huge mileage out of being the Great Wine Capital of New Zealand.

“Hawke’s Bay people know this is the wine capital of New Zealand, gaining this official recognition would help tell the rest of the world that we are the number one premium wine and food region in New Zealand.

“No other region in New Zealand has the diversity; the fantastic red wines, a burgeoning food growing and production sector and a well developed and exciting tourism offerings - not to mention a wonderful climate and friendly people”

The other cities and their respective regions currently involved in the Network include Bilbao (Spain), Bordeaux (France), Cape Town (South Africa), Florence (Italy), Mainz (Germany), Mendoza (Argentina), Porto (Portugal) and San Francisco, Napa Valley (USA).

These cities share the identity and culture of the wine sector and use the network to advance excellence in tourism, business services and education.

The delegations visit has been supported by:

Glen Aros Country Estate
Matahiwi Marae
Selini Estate
Gimblett Gravel vineyards
Mission Estate Winery
Church Road Winery
New Zealand Wine Centre
The Crown Hotel
Orton Catering
The Dome