Planting Gets A Year Ahead At New Tutira Block

Saturday 29 August 2009, 9:05AM

By Hawke's Bay Regional Council



Hawke’s Bay Regional Council has kick started its carbon and forestry investment at its new Tutira property by planting 110,000 eucalypts over 102 hectares.

There is a small window of opportunity for getting the best from forestry planting (generally June to August) so following the $1.3M purchase in July of the 319 ha Tutira property, the Council moved ahead with plans to get a first year of trees in the ground.

Soon after the purchase, Council staff held a meeting with the Tutira community to discuss what Council was considering and to seek the community’s views. The community was reluctant to see another pine plantation, and this view matched Council’s aims for planting high value trees for carbon investment and forestry.

Two eucalypt species were planted which are suited to the soils and the altitude (Eucalyptus fastigata and E. regnans). A third eucalypt species will be used on thinner soils to replace failures (E. fraxinoides). The Council also plans to plant redwoods.

“We had a small opportunity to act this winter and get a first year’s planting in the ground. We have added a year’s growth to this investment property, which is making good use of this asset. Further plantings and other plans will be developed over the next few years,” said Group Manager Asset Management, Mike Adye.

Hardwood Management Ltd carried out the planting, a company which has been used before by the Regional Council for forestry advice and planting.

A full development proposal for the property will be presented to the Council’s Asset Management and Biosecurity Committee in November. The aim is to integrate recreational opportunities, science projects, carbon investment and grazing within the property.

The land is highly erodible and the Council planting is aimed at demonstrating good practices for erosion control in this highly visible location. There is also an opportunity to create walkways and other recreational opportunities, and to link with other parks and reserves in the area, such as Boundary Stream and Tutira Country Park.