Can we build it? YES WE CAN!

Thursday 10 December 2009, 12:22PM

By Wellington City Mission



The Wellington City Mission is hoping to match its effort of 12 months ago and build the world’s biggest ever can Christmas Tree in Wellington this Friday.

To help them, Wellingtonians just need to head along to Midlands Park, Lambton Quay on Friday 11 December and bring a gold coin donation in exchange for a can to place on the 6 metre tall tree. Wattie’s has donated 5,000 cans to stack the custom-built ‘tree’.

All cans then go to the City Mission’s Christmas food parcels, along with the money donated from the public to help out the Mission at this very busy time of year.

Wellington City Mission spokesperson Dan Boyd says the tree will bring something special to Lambton Quay, as Wellingtonians can witness the growth of a tree made of cans while doing their part to help those in need.

“We’re inviting everyone in the area to come along on Friday 11 December to make a donation and add their can to make this the biggest tree of cans in the world.

“It’s going to be a great day – and night – with activities taking place, as well as a number of prizes to be won too!”

Again this year, iconic New Zealand brand, Wattie’s, has donated the 5,000 cans for the project.

Mike Pretty, Wattie’s Director of Marketing, says being involved with such a worthwhile project is very special, but is even more meaningful given the generous purpose of the event.

“In this current economic climate, Christmas and the holiday season can be a very stressful time for New Zealand families. Wattie’s is pleased to assist in supplying goods for the City Mission food banks at a time when we should all be looking to how we can help others in need.”

What: The Wattie’s World’s Biggest Canned Christmas Tree
When: Friday, 11 December 2009 from 8 am
Where: Midland Park, Lambton Quay
Feature act: Katchafire playing live and unplugged from 1pm