Sewerage Repair Work Goes Smoothly

Wednesday 3 March 2010, 8:17AM

By New Plymouth District Council



New Plymouth District Council responded quickly on Saturday (27 February) night when a part failed in the recently commissioned sewage booster pump above Corbett Park, Oakura.

No sewage spilled into the environment, and Manager Water and Wastes Brent Manning says everything was operational again by late afternoon yesterday (SUNDAY).

“We have response plans in place to handle any incidents that might occur in the district’s sewage reticulation,” he says.

“An incident happened on Saturday night; we responded to it and managed the situation until the faulty part was replaced.

“Everyone responded as they should in these instances, and use was made of the emergency storage at Shearer Reserve, as it was designed for.”

An automatic alarm tripped around 9pm on Saturday when a gasket failed in the booster pump above Corbett Park. The Council used sucker pumps to remove sewage from the pump’s dry well and trucked the wastewater to the emergency storage at the Shearer Reserve pump station until the gasket was replaced.

“Residents along the truck’s route would have noticed more traffic than usual throughout the night and we apologise if that caused them any disruption.”