Community voice on alcohol acknowledged

Monday 3 May 2010, 2:28PM

By Otara Community Board



The Law Commission is to return to Otara to acknowledge the community’s input into the commission’s review of New Zealand’s liquor laws.

Law Commission president Sir Geoffrey Palmer met with the Otara community in August last year as part of the public consultation on the Law Commission’s discussion paper Alcohol in our Lives, and was asked to come back to share his findings.

“Too often communities are asked for input into processes like this and there is very little follow up. We are extremely pleased that Sir Geoffrey took on board our feedback and is coming back to meet with us at the end of the process,” said Otara Community Board Chair Tunumafono Ava Faamoe.

“As a community we felt very strongly that we wanted to be part of the consultation process. We feel the effects of alcohol as a community everyday – from the vandalism, crime and violence to the financial and health impacts. We’re happy that our stories have been taken on board and we’re pushing for changes to be made that will reduce the harm experienced by our community as a result of alcohol,” he said.

Commenting on the visit, Sir Geoffrey acknowledged the Otara community saying his team’s meeting with them last year impressed upon him the urgency of the problem and in particular the need for the voices of local people to be heard in decisions about how alcohol is sold in their communities.

"We were particularly struck by a sense that the people of this community had had enough of alcohol researchers and consultation meetings and wanted to know when there would be some tangible results,” Sir Geoffrey said.

"At the time we impressed upon those present that the Law Commission is an independent law reform body and can only make recommendations to Government. But we also pledged to come back and present those recommendations to the people of Otara which is what we will do this week."

The Law Commission’s final report to Government was made public at the end of April. The Government has 120 days to respond. Legislation is then expected to be introduced into Parliament and a select committee process will follow at which there will be an opportunity to make a submission.

“We really encourage other communities to mobilise to make a submission. This will be our final opportunity to have a say on what is going to make the biggest difference to the problems we’re facing everyday because of alcohol,” said Adele Hamilton, Community Projects Manager, Otara Health Inc.

For more information contact Tunumafono Ava Faamoe, Chair, Otara Community Board on 0276807973 or Adele Hamilton, Community Projects Manager, Otara Health Inc on 027 457 0034.

Law Commission President Sir Geoffrey Palmer will be in

5 May 2010

2.30pm to 4.00pm
Otara Music and Arts Centre

Cnr Newbury Street & Bairds Rd, Otara Manukau City