Good response so far to TCDC campaign on illegal signs

Wednesday 2 June 2010, 9:44AM

By Thames Coromandel District Council



Follow up being undertaken to deal with remaining non-compliant signs

Thames-Coromandel District Council is pleased with the level of compliance achieved to date as a result of a signs survey undertaken throughout the District between November 2009 and May 2010.

Of 180 non conforming signs identified 84 signs have since been removed by property owners or the sign owners. Most of these were removed as a result of informal discussions with sign owners and formal letters to both sign owners and property owners where signs were erected in breach of Council bylaws.

Council officers are continuing to notify the owners of non-compliant signs, and the owners of the property on which they are on, where the sign breaches Council's bylaw. The main breach has been that the sign is being displayed on a property to which the activity does not relate.

Businesses are reminded that signs can only be placed on the property where the business is taking place and there are size restrictions. Council's bylaw covers all signs that can be seen from a public place.