Air-Quality Standard Reprieve Likely for HB Homes and Business

Friday 11 June 2010, 8:25AM

By Hawke's Bay Regional Council



Hastings Mayor Lawrence Yule is applauding the recommendations of a review of Air Quality Standards that put homeowners under pressure to replace fireplaces and potentially limited the growth of local business.

Today, Environment Minister Dr Nick Smith released a discussion document proposing amendments to the National Air Quality Standard, which will see currently strict air-quality rules loosened.

Mayor Yule, who is also president of Local Government New Zealand, was on the Technical Advisory Group, established after councils across New Zealand voiced their concern, which reviewed the standards.

“I’m happy to hear the Minister agrees with most of the advisory groups recommendations,” Mayor Yule says.

“At a local level, Hastings homeowners will potentially have up to 2018 to comply - that’s an extra five years on the previous rules. It will give people more time to convert their current fire systems and more time to pay for it.

“The current regulations prohibit any new consents or consent renewals for industry after 2013 in airsheds which exceed the standard. That penalty has been dropped under the review, which is a significant step forward and a huge relief for local business and our economy,” Mayor Yule say.

Public submissions on the discussion document close on 9 July 2010 before a final decision is made on the matter.

For the TAG report, Cabinet paper and discussion document go to: