Chris Birch Wins Red Bull Romaniacs!

Thursday 1 July 2010, 10:19AM

By Over The Top Adventures Limited


The smile says it all!
The smile says it all! Credit: Over The Top Adventures Limited
The toughest motorcycle event on earth
The toughest motorcycle event on earth Credit: Over The Top Adventures Limited

Chris Birch arrives only a few minutes behind of Jarvis - and wins the Red Bull Romaniacs for the first time in his career!

The blazingly fast New Zealander didn't go for safety on this last stage - in fact, Birch even rode 6 minutes faster than Graham Jarvis on the last 126 km of this years Romaniacs and secured his first ever win at the world's toughest Enduro Rallye. "I'm extremely happy today, because regarding all my technical problems, I didn't even think that I would finish the race.", said an all smiling Chris Birch.

Full results and times will be posted here as soon as they become available- check back later