PM opens first stage of Ruapehu-Whanganui cycle trail

Friday 2 July 2010, 3:58PM

By John Key


Cycleway Map
Cycleway Map Credit: John Key


Prime Minister John Key officially opened the first stage of the 200-kilometre Ruapehu to Whanganui New Zealand Cycle Trail project at Old Coach Road, Ohakune today.

The Old Coach Road segment of the Ruapehu to Whanganui Ngā Ara Tūhono trail is the beginning of a network of inter-connected trails which will pass through some of New Zealand's most spectacular and historically-significant scenery, Mr Key says.

"When completed, this trail will take cyclists through the Tongariro and Whanganui National Parks, past the famous Bridge to Nowhere, the Hapuawhenua Viaduct and many marae along the Whanganui River Road."

Also opening today as part of the first stage of the trail is a route through the Mangapurua Valley in the Whanganui National Park.

"The completed trail will be a fantastic four-to six-day cycle tour, and will open up a stunning part of the country to tourists. The support of the Ruapehu and Whanganui District Councils, iwi and local community groups has helped to drive this project forward and they, along with the Department of Conservation and the Ministry of Tourism, can be proud of what has been achieved so far," says Mr Key.

It is estimated the Ruapehu to Whanganui trail will bring in up to $3 million per year for the local economy through tourism.

"This trail is one of seven Quick Start projects for the New Zealand Cycle Trail, and will be one of the first to have significant portions of it open to cyclists," says Mr Key.

"Once all the trails are completed, there will be series of Great Rides throughout the country for New Zealanders and overseas visitors alike to experience."

The trail is one of the three in which the Department of Conservation is developing in conjunction with the Ministry of Tourism.