Cameron Slater Announces Council Candidacy — Albany Ward

Saturday 21 August 2010, 10:16AM

By Cameron Slater



Blogger Cameron Slater today announces his candidacy for the Super City Council. He is standing as an independent candidate under the Whaleoil banner.

Mr Slater says “I am standing to keep the politicians honest, and sober. I believe in open, transparent politics, and will stand on a platform of complete openness for all council decisions. I have waged a vigorous campaign against troughing politicians, and you can all expect me to post all details of my council spending online. I will not spend council money on alcohol.”

A staunch fiscal conservative, Mr Slater is standing for control of rates rises, and provision of high quality core council services. He will vote against spending in other areas, including Brian Rudman’s Theatre, which is definitely not a core council service.

Mr Slater’s pledges are that he will NOT:

Piss on any trees
Sign paintings I have not painted
Send drunken texts after 11pm
Send drunken press releases after 11pm
Hold important meetings in bars
Vote to fund Brian Rudman’s theatre
Put boozing with my mates on my council credit card8. Stop putting piggy noses on troughing politicians
Punch ambulance officers


“The campaign trail is likely to be robust, and I am looking forward to candidate debates where records of all candidates will be thoroughly scrutinised.

If elected I expect to be held to account by voters,” says Mr Slater, “and I will be staunch in protect rate payers from rabid councillors raising rates to pay for pet projects or areas that are central governments responsibility.”

Mr Slater has Orca signs will available for distribution in the next fortnight. Voters wanting signs or bumper stickers should go to the Whaleoil web site to get their signs and stickers.