Kaiapoi Town Centre 'New Foundations' – Planning Meetings

Monday 4 October 2010, 4:12PM

By Waimakariri District Council



The first of two meetings for Kaiapoi  town centre business and property owners will take place this Thursday (October 7) at the Kaiapoi Club to progress post-quake town centre planning.

It is now a month on from the Canterbury earthquake and while Kaiapoi's central
retail and trading area is "open for business", many questions remain about the town centre's future form and function.

Many retailers and other businesses have been able to continue trading, while others are without premises and face major challenges. The Waimakariri District Council, Enterprise North Canterbury (ENC) and the Kaiapoi Promotions Association are inviting Kaiapoi business owners and operators to these initial meetings.

As well as physical planning, more immediate business recovery, marketing and promotions planning is required. 

Breakout sessions will focus on these areas.

Kaiapoi business owners and operators are invited to the Kaiapoi Workingmen's Club from 5pm for this Thursday's meeting.

Briefings on the current situation and the work done on town centre strategy before the quake will start at 5.15pm, followed by an ‘open mic’ opportunity for owners and operators to share their ideas, concerns and vision for the future.

A second session on Monday, 11 October will break up into three streams: immediate business recovery, marketing and promotions, and town centre planning. The goal will be to get as specific as possible about what needs to be done and how to make this happen.

Tomorrow, the Kaiapoi Promotions Association is taking a delegation to Council to urge it to take a leadership role in shaping the way ahead for the Kaiapoi town centre strategy. This needs to happen by closely involving key agencies and groups, as well as affected owners and operators.