Police urge Wairarapa women to keep themselves safe this festive season

Wednesday 15 December 2010, 2:41PM

By New Zealand Police



Wairarapa Police are urging women to keep themselves safe whilst out in town, given that the festive season is nearly upon us.

Officer in charge of the Wairarapa CIB, Detective Senior Sergeant Sean Hansen says over the past two months, we've had a slight increase in the number of incidents of a sexual nature. This is more than likely due to the time of year we're in.

"The majority of these complaints have one thing in common and that's alcohol. We are urging women to look after themselves and their mates when they're in town for a night out.

DSS Hansen says women must have a plan to get home safely, particularly when alcohol is being consumed and people have a tendency to lose their decision-making abilities.

"At this time of year with exams now out of the way, young people also tend to indulge in alcohol and we want parents to know where their children are and know how they are going to get home at the end of the night."

He says Police still want people to enjoy themselves and celebrate the festive season, however looking after yourself and your mates is paramount to avoid becoming a victim of crime.

"Take five minutes to plan how you and your mates will get home at the end of the night safely, before you leave home. You'll enjoy your night out even more if you put the crime prevention odds in your favour."