Elton John Concert Date Announced!

Thursday 13 January 2011, 9:34AM

By Capital C: Concerts



Friday November 25!

Capital C: Concerts has just announced that the biggest concert event in the South Island this year will be on Friday November 25.

Promoter Phil Sprey of Capital C: Concerts said that having the concert a month after the Rugby World Cup finishes and at the start of the ‘Christmas Party’ season made an ideal time to have the ‘Rocketman’ visit Dunedin.

With very few major artist currently scheduled at this time and the event taking place in the new weather-proof venue, it is expected that many people will travel from other locations to be part of this historic occasion.

‘Many ex-pat Dunedinites have also been in touch with us and the venue management over the last few weeks indicating that the dual experience of an Elton John Concert doubled with the arrival of New Zealand’s only indoor stadium is excuse enough for making this a ‘once in a lifetime’, ‘ not-to-be-missed event.’ ” says Mr Sprey. ‘We have received many requests for information and booking inquiries from the throughout country as well as a considerable representation for Australia and some from as far away as the UK.’
This is Sir Elton’s first South Island concert in 20 years and is expected to sell out very early.
Booking information will be announced in the next week.