Air New Zealand Set To Resume Dunedin-Aussie Link

Tuesday 18 September 2007, 5:26PM

By Dunedin City Council



“This is the best news Dunedin’s had for a while - it’s put a smile on the face of Spring” was how Dunedin Mayor Peter Chin reacted to news that the city’s Freedom Air trans Tasman service would be reclaimed by parent company Air NZ – together with an increase in flight frequency.

As from 30 March next year the Air NZ service will provide a Dunedin - Sydney link Monday, Wednesday and Friday - an increase on the current twice weekly service - alongside the current services to Brisbane and Melbourne.

“We thank Air NZ for listening to our repeated overtures and for this exciting response. In saying that I must acknowledge the tireless efforts of Tourism Dunedin’s CEO, Jan Hindson, and Dunedin International Airport CEO John McCall, the lobbying of the Council’s Economic Development Unit and the Project Gateway team whose efforts on the city’s behalf have been rewarded with this news today”, said Peter Chin.

Jan Hindson hailed the Air NZ announcement which she believes will make it easier for travellers to connect with the Air NZ brand and its marketing outlets in the Australian market as well as the advantages for Dunedin travellers and business people. “This puts Dunedin on an equal footing with the other main airports on both sides of the Tasman, an increase in the frequency of our Sydney link and a springboard from which to launch new promotional and marketing initiatives. It’s wonderful news - and represents a wonderful opportunity for the city.”

Mayor Chin tempered his excitement with a word of warning to the region: “We must use it - or we’ll lose it. I urge all residents to support our national carrier. Let’s put our bums on Air NZ’s seats” said Mr Chin.