Council keen to discuss proposed Stoke skatepark

Tuesday 22 February 2011, 8:21AM

By Nelson City Council



Responding to community requests and following the tremendous success of the Neale Park Skatepark, Council’s now moving to build a skatepark in Stoke.

Council staff are taking to the streets later this month, to gauge the community views on the proposed site on Main Road Stoke.

Planning Adviser Britta Hietz says the project is just starting and Council has two major stages to work through with the community, starting with an agreed site selection and then on to designing the park.

She says after looking for a suitable location in Stoke, the lawn area on Greenmeadow Reserve, in between the tennis court and Main Road Stoke (intersection with Songer Street) ended up heading the options. “It’s considered the most suitable site because of its high visibility, distance from residential neighbours and accessibility.”

Now Council has a potential site in mind, its seeking feedback from people likely to have an interest in the development, including local businesses, residents and community groups. Council staff will be on hand at Strawbridge Square in Stoke between noon and 1.30pm Saturday 26 February and at McCashins Market between 3 and 4.30pm that afternoon.

“We want to discuss this with the local people so we can finalise the site and then move to the design stage” Britta says. “A working group made up of users and Youth Council representatives will work on this. We hope the design stage will start soon and finish sometime in May, with the park being built in the 2011-2012 financial year (June 2011 -1 July 2012).”