New Zealand aviation industry on display for RWC business investors

Thursday 5 May 2011, 4:16PM

By Aviation Industry Cluster



From October 13-15, business leaders in the country for the Rugby World Cup will get the opportunity to learn about investment opportunities within New Zealand’s world-class aviation industry.

New Zealand’s Aviation Industry Cluster has confirmed it will put on a comprehensive, threeday event, entitled ‘Flair,’ to showcase New Zealand’s capability in aviation design, manufacturing and pilot training.
Flair will be held at the Te Kowhai airfield north of Hamilton.

Aviation Industry Cluster Chairman, John Jones, says the event is focused on matching business opportunities with investors.

“The main purpose of Flair is to stimulate growth, development and investment in New Zealand’s aviation industry.

“To that end, we’ll have extensive information at Flair about the numerous investment opportunities available in our local industry. Plus, we’ll facilitate networking opportunities throughout the event, aimed at matching investors with local companies “Numerous companies have already confirmed they will launch new products, including new aircraft designs, at the event,” explains Mr Jones.

Dozens of companies involved in the New Zealand aviation industry have confirmed their attendance at Flair. Aviation Industry Cluster General Manager, Shaun Mitchell, says one of the most exciting companies attending is Martin Aircraft Company, developers of the Martin Jetpack.

“The Martin Jetpack has received a lot of international press in the past few years, so it’s great to have them confirmed for the event. We’re working on securing many other local companies as well as some international drawcards, which will be announced over the course of the next few months,” says Mr Mitchell.

Flair is being modelled off the world-famous airshow, AirVenture Oshkosh in Wisconsin, USA. It will combine exhibitions with aircraft demonstrations and new product launches. All 2 aspects of the industry will be on display, including manufacturing, design, supply, materials, certification, space exploration and pilot training. Mr Mitchell says Flair will also incorporate educational seminars.

“We want Flair to be an event that serves to strengthen our local industry. So, in addition to helping some companies gain investment, we also want to use the event as an educational opportunity.

“Seminar topics will include workshops for start-up companies, seminars on patent law, help for companies wanting to tap into export markets and more. We’re working on confirming some leading international experts to speak at several of these seminars,” he says.

In addition to the business side of the event, Flair will also incorporate a comprehensive airshow.

“New Zealand manufactures some of the best light aircraft in the world and our airshow will focus on demonstrating local manufacturers’ capabilities. Plus, we hope to have NZ Forces performing displays as well,” says Mr Mitchell.

VIP tours of local aviation companies are being arranged for international visitors attending Flair.

Aviation-related companies wanting to take part in Flair can register at