VoucherMob scoops Best Start Up at Hi-Tech Awards

Saturday 7 May 2011, 11:33AM

By Noodle Hq



Smartphone mobile voucher company VoucherMob won the Ministry of Science & Innovation Best Hi-Tech Start-up category in Friday night’s Hi-Tech Awards held in Wellington.

VoucherMob is a user friendly app that delivers discount vouchers direct to shoppers’ smartphones (iPhone or Android) who select from a list of retailers to get exclusive offers sent direct to their phone. The geo-location capability also means that when shoppers are near a nominated store they are automatically alerted to the latest deals – no need for checking. Voucher redemption is easy, just show the phone to the retailer to receive the discount.

The VoucherMob app is a low-cost m-commerce (mobile commerce) function managed by retailers themselves, allowing the them to set the price, duration and quantity of offer on a store by store basis or across a territory. VoucherMob’s analytics allow retailers to push real-time offers to hot prospects, track sales conversions and access superior market intelligence about consumer market behaviour.

“It’s a great way for shoppers to save money and a fantastic sales tool for retailers – a really powerful call to action that is cost effective to run, generating virtually instant sales and a tangible way to track the effectiveness of digital marketing,” explains VoucherMob head Scott Bradley.

“We see our role as providing the technology to enable a closer relationship between the retailer and consumer. Winning Best Start Up just when VoucherMob is about to embark on expansion into Australia is acknowledgement that we have a product that people see value in and is also a moment for our team to reflect on the great work that’s been achieved to date.”

The NZ High-Tech Awards were established in 1993 to advance the growth and success of New Zealand’s hi-tech industries. The judges said they were impressed with how VoucherMob had identified a real market need and a value proposition for those needs. They also like the innovative approach to its business model, calling it a humble, competent, considered and reflective learner. The panel of 48 judges included Dell founder Michael Dell, Howard Charney, SVP Cisco and Gary Hamel, Fellow of the World Economic Forum and the Strategic Management Society.

To find out more about VoucherMob, visit