Man arrested after alleged assault on four month old baby

Thursday 12 May 2011, 4:14PM

By New Zealand Police



A 38 year old Eastern Bay of Plenty man has been arrested and charged with wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm after a four month old baby boy suffered non-accidental injuries leading to permanent and severe brain damage.

The man was apprehended in Auckland yesterday (Wednesday 12 May) and appeared briefly in the Manukau District Court this afternoon. He has been remanded in custody to reappear in the Manukau District Court tomorrow.

The man is also facing eight other charges, including male assaults female, assault with intent to injure, receiving, possession of cannabis for supply (two charges), threatens to kill and common assault.

The Area Commander for Eastern Bay of Plenty, Inspector Sandra Venables, says a Police investigation has been underway since the four month old baby was admitted to Starship Hospital on Friday 29 April. She says it was not clear at the time of admission to hospital whether the baby would survive.

"The baby boy is now off life support, however, has suffered severe brain damage, the severity and permanence of which will only truly become apparent as he grows older.

"The nature of the baby's injuries were such that a Police investigation was launched, and subsequently charges have been laid."

Inspector Venables says Police will not comment further on the specifics of this investigation or the injuries suffered as the case is now before the court.

"These are very difficult and complex cases, that take a toll on everyone involved including the whänau of the child, those working in our partner agencies, medical staff and Police.

"We work closely with a number of partners including Womens Refuge, Child Youth and Family, health professionals, counsellors, early childhood providers, iwi and many others in an effort to provide safety and support to families experiencing family violence.

"We will continue to work together in an effort to address this issue in our communities.

"If you or someone you know needs help, please talk to Police, your doctor, a family member or friend, or anyone else that you trust. Please tell somebody what you know, and together, we may be able to prevent another sad case."

Police will be making no further comment at this time.