Brothel-keeper sentenced for trying to smuggle prostitute

Monday 13 June 2011, 4:17PM

By Department of Labour



Immigration New Zealand says the conviction of an Auckland brothel-keeper for trying to smuggle a prostitute into New Zealand is a warning to others contemplating doing the same thing.

Gordon Dong had lied to an Immigration Officer in July 2010 saying the woman was going to stay with him and his parents for a holiday, when in fact she was going to work for him as a prostitute.

The woman was refused entry to New Zealand and Gordon Dong was convicted of aiding and abetting the unlawful entry of a person into New Zealand. He was today sentenced to 300 hours of community work.

Steve Stuart, General Manager of Immigration New Zealand’s Intelligence, Risk and Integrity Division, says that with the increasing visitor numbers expected for the Rugby World Cup, the conviction sends a clear message to other brothel operators that Immigration New Zealand will not tolerate such offending.

“New Zealand law prohibits foreign nationals on temporary visas working in the sex industry.

“We will continue to be vigilant in identifying sex workers attempting to work illegally in New Zealand. We will take action against those who employ them or facilitate their entry into New Zealand. Sex workers working illegally also risk deportation and restrictions on returning to New Zealand,” Mr Stuart says.

“This case was an attempt at people smuggling which exploits the vulnerable for personal financial greed and we have zero tolerance towards such wilful abuse of the immigration system.

“It also serves as a warning to people who may be tempted to try to take advantage of the Rugby World Cup that we will not tolerate this activity or any other immigration abuse. INZ will prosecute those who try to undermine the integrity of our immigration system.”