Car seats donated to pre-school centres for emergency use

Wednesday 22 June 2011, 2:30PM

By Rotorua District Council



A number of local early childhood organisations will be presented with a free car seat for emergency use as part of a Rotorua District Council and Rotorua Police initiative so children won't be at risk when they leave the centre with someone other than their parent.

Rotorua District Council (RDC) and Rotorua Police have been working together to provide education sessions on the need for restraints to preschool children and their families.

RDC road safety coordinator Jodie Lawson says the education sessions came about as a result of the large number of young children being driven from daycare and kindy without a car seat.

“Our last checkpoint highlighted the large number of grandparents, neighbours, aunties and others who sometimes have to pick up kids for parents in times of need or emergency situations. Often they do so without a car seat, putting children at risk in the event of a crash.”

Ms Lawson says centres that have undertaken an education session and have a need for an emergency car seat will be presented with one over the next few weeks. The seats will belong to the centres and must be returned to the centre by borrowers after use.

“The education sessions are free, interactive and include great resources for kids, and valuable safety information for parents,” said Ms Lawson.