Envirocomp Ltd set to go global with OCS

Thursday 7 July 2011, 8:05AM

By Envirocomp



Canterbury based Envirocomp today announced plans to open its 2nd plant in the Hutt Valley later this year at the same time as Founder Karen Upston revealed that she will take the Envirocomp brand global with the financial backing of facilities services company OCS NZ.

The announcements were made at the launch of a Feasibility Study into establishing a Wellington based plant which was hosted at the Beehive by Canterbury MP Nicky Wagner. Karen Upston told guests including the Minister for the Environment, the Hon Dr Nick Smith, whose Waste Minimisation Fund provided a $30,000 grant for the study:-

“OCS Ltd has acquired a 100% share in Envirocomp and I am tasked with spearheading the launch of additional Envirocomp facilities in New Zealand, Australia, the UK and Europe. This is an exciting new chapter in the Envirocomp story – and one I owe to many people who have believed in the business. Selling was not an easy decision but the team at OCS is absolutely committed to growing the Envirocomp brand and I firmly believe that this is the right decision for Envirocomp.”

“In the two years since we opened in Canterbury, we have processed over 5 million nappies into compost. The study we have just completed shows a market similar in size in Wellington and with support from councils in Greater Wellington, we expect to open a plant later this year. Support from the Government’s Waste Minimisation Fund, local Government and Kimberly-Clark has been vital to help us establish a business model that has global appeal. However without significant financial backing from the commercial sector we cannot grow at the pace we need to meet demand.”

OCS signed up at the start as a user of Envirocomp in Canterbury providing OCS customers including rest homes, shopping malls, businesses and airports with an alternative to landfilling sanitary hygiene waste.
Kevin Mulcahy, Managing Director OCS NZ said that investing in Envirocomp makes absolute sense from an economic and environmental perspective:-

“As we talked with Karen about her aspirations for the Envirocomp brand, it became obvious that we could facilitate a step change in the speed with which Envirocomp could meet its objectives. OCS operates in 40 countries around the world and with Karen at the helm we have embarked on a strategy to develop Envirocomp facilities in Australia, UK and mainland Europe within the next 18 months as well as extending our coverage in New Zealand.”

Sanitary hygiene waste represents 3% of waste to landfill in New Zealand or approximately 94,680 tonnes of sanitary hygiene waste produced each year.

Between 2002–2004 and 2007–2008, the proportion of nappies and sanitary waste has increased in the New Zealand waste stream because of changing consumption patterns coupled with increasing recyclability of other waste streams. Without introducing an alternative means to disposal of sanitary hygiene waste the proportion of this organic material as a percentage of the total landfill amount will continue to increase.

Statistics around the world show similar trends and with an aging population a third of all sanitary hygiene waste is now adult incontinence products with this market set to increase five- fold according to research in Australia.


OCS Limited is an operating division of the OCS Group that operates in over 40 countries worldwide.
OCS in New Zealand was established in 2004 employs over 2,700 people from offices in 21 locations
Envirocomp is now a subsidiary of OCS Limited

For more information go to or
Breakdown of Sanitary, Nappy and Incontinence waste by tonnes NZ